marți, 17 mai 2011

Certified copy

Brief interpretation on this movie:

Juliette Binoche's character was the man's mistress, had a child by him, but he just wouldn't marry her how she obviously once thought he would, hence their relationship can be seen as a 'certified copy', ie, not the real thing. Hence her obsession with weddings, hence her strange reaction when their son asked 'why didn't you want him to sign my full name in the book?'... because the son does not have his surname. Hence her saying she's a 'single mother', hence her telling him that the waitress 'thought we were a married couple and I didn't tell her otherwise'... etc.

The anniversary they were celebrating was their 15 years together, not their marriage. This also explains why he stepped outside to take calls on his mobile, to talk to his wife. When he took a call outside when they were in the cafe, and the older waitress said to Juliette, 'he has a mistress... that's why you are looking at him'...and she said 'no', she put on a strange face....because actually she herself was his mistress.

At the end when she asks him to stay at the hotel not catch the 9pm train (to his wife), it is probably something she has asked him hundreds of times before, hence his exasperated look....the man caught between two women. Hence, he was defending before 'the copy', in other words, implying that their relationship was like a marriage, that it didn't matter that he was legally married to another woman. Of course, just like in a true marriage, after 15 years together their relationship has become more of a 'warpath', time increasing their obvious differences.

Also the title is very suggestive.."Certified copy".If we think back to the speach James has at the begining of the movie..he then say that each copy can be an original if you look from other perspective.An "original" has value because we give it to..because we are used to associate "original" with meanings like: true, valueable, expensive etc..but even a copy ,if we don't know it's not an original, can be as appreciated as the original..just if you have other circumstances or perspectives.Other example is the painting they found in that gallery from Toscana..that was supossed to be an original for about 200 years because noone knew it was fake..and then he says:"who cares if it s copy and who cares where the original is placed".It's about enjoying the art as it comes..even in copies..and relating it to the movie plot I would say "live the moment" even if they were just copies of an "original couple".

Does the film and their relationship make sense in that context?

luni, 9 mai 2011

Open the door..get out of my head!

Am un feeling general ca sunt intr-una din pasele existentei mele cand simt ca totul in jurul meu o ia razna fara sa mai pot controla nimic.Am senzatia ca traiesc intr-un haos si parca nimic nu mai are sens..parca sunt o serie de piese de puzzle imprastiate, ma tot chinui sa refac jocul dar continuu piesele se amesteca.
Conteaza prea putin la ce cacaturi ma gandesc acum..ideea salvatoare care mi-a trecut azi prin cap e urmatoarea: traim si vedem fiecare viata prin prisma realitatii subiective pe care fiecare o resimte,printr-un binoclu personalizat.Imi vine in cap fix ideea aia tampita pe care toti am avut-o in adolescenta: cum ca poate ca eu vad rosu ce tu vezi verde dar pt ca ne-am obsinuit sa numim culorile "rosu" "verde" prin prisma a ceea ce vede fiecare..n-avem de unde stii daca chiar vedem la fel.
Realitatea obiectiva e diferita de cea subiectiva construitra prin si de noi insine.Ceea ce ma face sa ma poate problemele pe care mie mi se pare ca le am acum , in sfera mea inchisa de griji, sunt nothing privite de undeva de sus..din afara realitatii mele subiective.De fapt am reusit performanta de a ma autosabota!
Cred ca fiind absorbit de propriul subiectivism pierzi din importanta lucrurilor.Esti atat de absorbit si de inchis in cusca ta incat nu-ti mai dai seama de gravitatea si importanta problemelor tale.Spre zicem ca esti stresat de job & duties, foarte stresat astfel incat "cusca" ta- realitatea ta se va rezuma la grijile legate de job ( sa zicem), fara ca tu sa stii ca poate in tot timpul asta cat te-ai stresat si ai facut riduri si fire albe in cap altcineva rezolvase pt tine "issue-urile" de la munca, sau poate chiar, s-au rezolvat de la sine.
Ce vreau sa spun cu asta e ca realitatea ta subiectiva se poate schimba in orice clipa atunci cand reusesti sa iesi din ea, sa fi in afara.E vorba de perspectiva si de gravitatea pe care o dai lucrurilor.Probabil ca fiinta umana, in genere, (si nu numai popoarele latine) tinde sa-si dramatizeze prea mult faca , cum bine se zice "din tzantar armasar"!
La mine una s-a rezolvat simplu..aveam o groaza de shitturi pe chiar cand puneam capu pe perna noaptea creierul meu continua sa "rumege".Am plecat 3 zile de acasa..m-am desconectat complet si cand m-am intors si mi-au revenit "dramele" mi s-au parut niste lucruri marunte, lipsite de importanta, senseless.