luni, 30 decembrie 2013

Declar 2013 - cel mai bun an din viata mea!

Bai vine 2014 peste mine si o sa para ca n-am trait deloc anul asta!
Asa ca iacata-ma la sfarsit de an cu o postare copioasa despre cum mi-a mers in 2013!
Ei bine n-am avut de stat si cugetat prea mult pentru a declara 2013 cel mai bun an din existenta-mi umila de pana la 27 de ani.
Si asta pentru ca in 2013 am inceput sa traiesc: in Decembrie 'al trecut m-am indragostit aprig, in Februarie mi-am luat iubitul si am fugit pentru 2 luni in India, la caldura, unde pentru aproape 2 luni :
am gustat cea mai piperata si delicioasa mancare ever, am fost la cele mai hippie-trance-wierdo-diverse parties, am cunoscut cei mai nebuni oameni, am vazut cele mai socante-colorate-tropicale-fantastice locuri,am fost la unul din MUST-DO's :

Holi Indian Festival of colours si am sfarsit cam asa --->
si am avut una din cele mai intense experiente spirituale cu Ayahuasca.
In Martie m-am intors in tara 2 saptamani ca sa-mi iau viza pentru the American Dream si nici nu m-am dezmeticit bine ca am plonjat in centrul Manhattan-ului cu gatul sucit uitandu-ma la zgarie-nori, cu portiile XXXL de cola si cartofi prajiti, cu salata de oameni si fizionomii, cu Central Park, Times Square,
cu donnuts, Starbucks, Brooklyn, cu frenezia unui oras mare, foarte mare care mi-a lasat o febra musculara demna de tot BenGay-ul american dupa 4 zile de explorare intensa.
Vara am pornit intr-un roadtrip de 2 saptamani pe coasta Croatiei cu treceri balcanice prin Serbia si drumuri cu adrenalina prin Muntenegru.Croatia ne-a uimit cu Plitvice, cel mai mare parc natural din Sud Estul Europei plin de cascade naturale, lacuri verzui-turcoaz si pesti ca la zoo
si pe mine una m-a fascinat teribil snorkeling-ul pe coasta Dubrovnik-ului la Popocabana, ba chiar ne-am oprit si in Pula ca deh, cum sa treaca romanu' prin Croatia si sa nu mearga el(ele) si la Pula sa vada care-i treaba cu astia de si-au numit locul de bastina in tocmai cu cea mai folosita interjectie masculina romaneasca?!
Ne-am intors prin Zagreb unde am poposit la Museum of Broken Relationship o idee inedita si catchy de arta moderna .

Si iara am poposit in tara pe deh vara e frumos si acasa, Bucurestiul prinde viata incep festivalurile, iar vara asta am bifat ElectricCastle la Cluj pe domeniul Banfy de departe cel mai fain festival autohton la care am luat parte,
ba a venit Summerwell cu ai lui obositi The XX si accidental am ajuns si la Bestfest unde ne-au placut Chase& Status si Nneka.
Am facut o oprire scurta la un picnic frantuzesc la Tour Eiffel cu vin rosu bun, Camembert si struguri in drumul nostru spre our-good-old-friend Amsterdam si ale lui drumuri fermecate.Aici am mers la un "festival ca in afara" -a Day at Park un festival de zi (party-uri ziua, shut down nemtesc la 11:00 PM)dar dupa o repriza buna de Monkey Safari nu prea mai iti pasa... e soare afara si tu te zbantui ca nebunu printre cei mai frumosi oameni din lume :)
Am revenit in tara cu ganduri serioase de gasit barlog de iarna pentru ca stiu cat de dureroasa e iarna in Bucuresti si nu vroiamiar sa am turturi pe gene cand ma intorc din Iadul Alb acasa.Planul gata, bagajele facute, destinatie: Tenerife- la Isla de la Eterna Primavera.Dar cum socoteala de acasa nu se potriveste cu a' din targ inainte de a ateriza la caldura am aterizat in Suedia, Gothenburg - oras de'al nordicilor cum prefer sa-i spun din cauza frigului si norilor grei si inseratului de pe la 3 jumate.
Goteborg e fain si primitor..dar nu-l prea ajuta vremea, cel putin din prisma unei termo-sensibile ca mine..n-am papat chiftelute suedeze pentru ca intre timp am devenit vegetariana( semi- deocamdata) in schimb am cam abuzat de peste, inclusiv sub forma de chifteluta cu sos by Ikea.
Dupa o saptamana de degeraturi suedeze am ajuns in sfarsit in paradisul canar. In Teferife am facut primul Craciun pe plaja, ne-am mutat fix langa mare, ne-am ars de soare cu caiacele la vazut de delfini , ne-am tratat cu sangria si siesta espanola iar acum asteptam nerabdatori primul eveniment al copilutului nostru NomadicHub ( un proiect care ne reprezinta stilul de viata calator si nomad.

vineri, 5 octombrie 2012


Pentru ca mi-era dor de povestile piperate urbane si pentru ca subiectul cu pricina lipsea cu desavarsire din Bucaresti m-am hotarat sa revin cu ceva povesti din experientele mele cu taximetristii.

Tin sa precizez mai intai ca update-urile in relatia cu taximetristii..din nefericire pentru mine au fost facute tarziu. Asadar, nu stiu prin ce ratiune imbarligata imi facusem prostul obicei din a ma urca tot timpul in fata, in dreapta, in taxi.Big mistake! aviz celor care ..din inconstienta adictiva ca mine au/aveau acelasi prost obicei.Ulterior am realizat ca a te urca in fata in taxi este o auto-condamndare la socializare fortata de care, de cele mai multe ori, nu ai chef!

Fiind in perioada in care inca nu invatasem aceasta regula de bun simt am intalnit intr-o seara un domn taximetrist care a reusit excelenta performanta de a-mi vorbi de la Unirii pana in Dr taberei (aprox 25 min) despre: licenta de taxi( subiect universal si folosit in mod santajist de unii ca sa mai lasi 1 leu la bacsis),tinerii care merg in cluburi,strainii care nu lasa bacsis,Romania, Ceausescu, Comunismul,Dec 89', Basescu, Democratia, Inflatia, Mafiotii din Romania, SRI, Basescu again, Viitorul, Apocalipsa.

Pentru mine in schimb monologul de la 5 dimineata a fost way too much!Asta a fost momentul cand am realizat ca ceva nu fac bine..trebuia sa "lucrez" asupra relatiei cu taximetristi si ca atare: simple as that, sa urc in spate!

Mandra tantos de aceasta crunta realizare acum 2 saptamani, pe la aceeasi ora, cu o dorinta arzanda sa ajung acasa sa opresc cutremurul ametitor care ma invaluise ma urc frumos intr-un Cobalcescu de la Romana.Cu capul sprijinit pe geam, gandurile in 50 de parti, iepurasi roz care-mi radeau in ureche..domnul de la volan insista totusi sa ma auda vorbind..."Aaa..,vorbiti cu mine?!".momentul ala cand nu stii daca o intreaba ceva pe tanti de la dispecerat sau vrea sa se converseze cu tine.Spre nefericirea mea de data asta eu eram subiectul interogat.

EL:"Plecati in excursii, d'soara?"
Eu :"aa..huhh..da.mai plec"
EL:''Si i-ati vazut pe pensionarii aia care pleaca de la Izvor?"
Eu: "aaa..Nu,nu i-am vazut" (acum o luna am plecat fix de la izvor,fix cu autocarul,fix in excursie..crunta experienta si n-am iesit la pensie yet! )
EL:" vin in fiecare dimineata .. pan' la 4-5 stau aicea sa astepte autocarul sa plece in excursie."
EU: " pensie sa calatoresti!"
EL:" ce excursii d'soara ca strang tot anu' bani pentru 5 zile amarate in Grecia si n-au bani nici de taxi pan' la Izvor.Pa toti pe care ii duc acolo..nici unu nu lasa 1 leu in plus..dau la ceas!..pai si-asa?!..cum sa ma dau eu jos d'soara sa le ridic bagajele? Da'i pun sa plece in excursie?!"

Din perioada in care ma urcam inconstient inca in fata, tot intr-o dimineata timpurie, urc voioasa in dreapta.Taximetristul:in jur de 28-30 ani,freza proaspat tunsa si udata,cercelu' in ureche, tatuaj pe mana dreapta,iconite argintii la oglinda.Dupa ce am trecut de discutia cu traficul, dispeceratul, taxa pe licenta & so on ajungem la bine-cunoscutul subiect legat de meserii.Stiti deja foarte bine ca nici unul nu a practicat taximetria de-o viata, ca unii au fost profesori, arheologi ba chiar securisti inainte...iar de data asta pretenu' din stanga mea era din categoria celor care o fac "din placere", "ca hobby" dupa spusele lui.
EU:"..pai si mai faci ceva pe langa?"
EL: " un business cu sex-shoppuri!"
Eu:" Opa! merge treaba asta la noi?"
EL:"Cum sa nu mearga..toata lumea face sex.."
EU:" Si ce se vinde cel mai bine?"
EL: " acum au inceput sa prinda bine si bilele "
EU:" ce bile?"
EL:" sunt bile anale si stii? niste striatii si daca stii sa te joci cu ele cum trebuie sunt belea!"
EU:" ??!#?@#?#()*&^%"
EL:" fosta mea era innebunita dupa ele..n-ai incercat niciodata?"
EU " prea..."
..taxiul ajunge pe strada intunecata din fata blocului meu.Opreste.
EL:" pai uite ca te vad asa fata draguta..daca vrei sa le incerci iti las cartea mea de vizita.." (imi face cu ochiu!)
EU:" e super-promotie azi, huh?!"

duminică, 9 octombrie 2011

"a beautiful film about the end of the world"
Melancholia is another Lars Von Trier's movie that opens to interpretation... why I like so much watching Trier's movies.
So my idea about this movie is related to Life and Death anthology.The film is splitted in two parts just to show two different important moments in someone's existence :LIFE-meaning the wedding, party, people around etc and DEATH- once Melancholia approaches.
Kirsten Dunst (Justine) character is the one that leads the movie flow as it starts by her being happy (scene in the car with Michael) then becoming strangely despressed.For me Justine was from the beginning the single one that knew what was going to happen...Melancholia hitting the Earth.
When she arrived- with 2 hours delay- at her wedding and all the people gathered were waiting for them she was more interested about the stars and the stable.It's when she realizes there is a new star on the sky- "a red one" and she starts feeling the connection with it.
Then she finds herself in a deep depression that she can't stand even for her wedding even if she hardly tries..during the wedding she says "sorry" to Claire claiming "but I tried.I really tried".
Justine was so depressed throught the first part of the film, she felt like she was dying - and she wanted to die, so when she finds out planet is heading toward Earth, she's fine with the fact she's going to die and embraces it..she's peacefull and calm because she already knew something was going to happen, is the moment when she receives the confirmation of her thoughts.There is a dialogue with her sister when she says " I just know some the number of beans 674.I just know some things".
The scene with Justine lying naked bathed in the blue light from Melancholia and almost 'making love' with it.,, I took it as a metaphor of how severely depressed people sometimes embrace the thought of their own death with feelings of joy, calm and peace..because they know it;s "going to an end".
Once "Melancholia" gets closer Justine's condition improves while Claires becomes impacient quite lunatic.It's when Justine becomes the "normal" one and Claire the "lunatic"..and these are 2 different behaviours when facing Death: fear,anxiety,madness versus peacefull, assumed, calm and illuminated.
These are some ideas that passed through my mind just before I watched this movie..

joi, 11 august 2011

marți, 17 mai 2011

Certified copy

Brief interpretation on this movie:

Juliette Binoche's character was the man's mistress, had a child by him, but he just wouldn't marry her how she obviously once thought he would, hence their relationship can be seen as a 'certified copy', ie, not the real thing. Hence her obsession with weddings, hence her strange reaction when their son asked 'why didn't you want him to sign my full name in the book?'... because the son does not have his surname. Hence her saying she's a 'single mother', hence her telling him that the waitress 'thought we were a married couple and I didn't tell her otherwise'... etc.

The anniversary they were celebrating was their 15 years together, not their marriage. This also explains why he stepped outside to take calls on his mobile, to talk to his wife. When he took a call outside when they were in the cafe, and the older waitress said to Juliette, 'he has a mistress... that's why you are looking at him'...and she said 'no', she put on a strange face....because actually she herself was his mistress.

At the end when she asks him to stay at the hotel not catch the 9pm train (to his wife), it is probably something she has asked him hundreds of times before, hence his exasperated look....the man caught between two women. Hence, he was defending before 'the copy', in other words, implying that their relationship was like a marriage, that it didn't matter that he was legally married to another woman. Of course, just like in a true marriage, after 15 years together their relationship has become more of a 'warpath', time increasing their obvious differences.

Also the title is very suggestive.."Certified copy".If we think back to the speach James has at the begining of the movie..he then say that each copy can be an original if you look from other perspective.An "original" has value because we give it to..because we are used to associate "original" with meanings like: true, valueable, expensive etc..but even a copy ,if we don't know it's not an original, can be as appreciated as the original..just if you have other circumstances or perspectives.Other example is the painting they found in that gallery from Toscana..that was supossed to be an original for about 200 years because noone knew it was fake..and then he says:"who cares if it s copy and who cares where the original is placed".It's about enjoying the art as it comes..even in copies..and relating it to the movie plot I would say "live the moment" even if they were just copies of an "original couple".

Does the film and their relationship make sense in that context?